Sonntag, 3. April 2016

Food for thought

Gehen wir von heute, dem »Weißen Sonntag« — die modische Umbenennung nach den Wünschen einer etwas ... ähm ... mystisch veranlagten Klosterschwester durch den vor-vorletzten Papst wollen wir mal außen vor lassen — knapp eineinhalb Wochen zurück, zum Karfreitag. Und lesen wir, was Rev. Bill Darlison zu den beiden Schächern (genauer gesagt: zu dem besseren, also dem Rechten!) zu berichten weiß:
St.Dismas, Graz (Wikipedia)
Two Thieves
Sermon by Rev. Bill Darlison
(Easter 2007)
The Society of St. Dismas is one of those very worthy Catholic organizations which attempt to fill the gaps in state provision for the underprivileged. Like the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which we in the Dublin Unitarian church support at Christmas time, it is dedicated to the welfare of those neglected members of the community, the ones that people – and governments – often prefer to forget about. But whereas the St. Vincent de Paul Society has a general ministry to the unfortunate, the Society of St. Dismas has a very specific one: it tries to help ex-prisoners, people who are trying to get their life together after spending some time in jail.

It takes its name from the so-called ‘good thief’, one of the two men who were supposedly crucified with Jesus; Dismas was the one who, according to Luke’s Gospel, repented just before his death, and asked for Jesus’ blessing. The story goes like this ...

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